Summer Camp 2025 Information
Summer Camp registration is a two-step process. Step one is turning in your merit badge/course choices for early registration so that they can be reserved at the earliest opportunity. Although you can turn in your choices later in the spring, there is no guarantee that the courses will be available at that time.
The second step is turning in your money and forms. The deadline for these are a courtesy to the scoutmasters. It gives us time to process the payments due the camps, review and submit paperwork by the camp deadlines, and provide comprehensive materials to the scoutmasters who will also be attending. After the scoutmaster has secured your courses on-line, he will notify you of what you are signed up for and the fees you owe. This is because fees can vary according to your course selection. All checks must be made out to Troop 197.
If you plan on attending summer camp, campouts, high adventure, etc, you must turn in a completed BSA Health form signed by your physician. You must also include a copy of your health insurance card. If you are attending camp, these must be turned in by the deadlines below. The following is a link to the current BSA Health Form for your use; BSA Health Forms Some course choices could also require an additional parent waiver. We will try to post relevant documents as they become available. You will also find information and camp guides in the links provided. Thanks for your support and have a great summer!
For our Troup to be able to participate in camp, we are required to have 3 adult volunteers at camp at all times. You may volunteer for the entire week or a partial week. There is no cost for adults to attend camp. Please let me know if you can help us this year!
We need a full, completed health form for each Scout and parent volunteer. The form can be directly accessed here.
Parents attending must complete YPT and send the completion certificate with their health form. New this summer (2024), parents attending must also be BSA registered (entailing background check).here
The scouts will select a tent and tent mate with they arrive at camp. Leadership opportunities are available for scouts upon request to Dr. Krupczak.
Prior to registering for camp, please pay fees to the Troop. More info how to pay the Troop can be found here
Click here for a list of What Scouts should bring to summer camp.
Camp Rainey June 8-14, 2025
- Cost is $420.00
- Please have selections to Betsy via email at by March 9, 8pm to give you best chance of getting your merit badge picks
- Please send 1st, 2nd, 3rd picks
- Rainey website: here
- Rainey Mountain Course Schedule: here
- SPL:
- PLs: