Troop Guide Responsibilities
From SuperTroop 197
Head Troop Guide
- Oversees TG program along with ASPL and ASM
- Member of PLC and thus maintains 75% attendance level
- Maintain records of and report to PLC monthly on progress of Scouts' advancement.
- Hold monthly TG meeting; the meeting after the PLC meeting
- Schedule a TG to be at the Scout Hut at 3pm prior to each meeting to help with advancement and signoffs
- Gather requirements needs via TG corp and make program content recommendations at monthly PLC meetings. For example, Head TG notices many Scouts need cooking requirements so Head TG works to integrate cooking requirements into a meeting program.
- Head Troop Guide selects TG per patrol in consultation with ASPL and ASM.
- Chosen by SPL/SM
Troop Guides
- Each TG maintain 50% attendance level
- Max one or two TG per patrol
- PL and TG "own" their patrols and are responsible for success of patrol
- Help younger scouts in patrol achieve 1st-class
- Help with camp prep
- At each camp prep, develop an advancement plan for each Scout going on that campout; list 3-4 items that can be accomplished
- Work with campout PL to implement that plan
- Meet with each Scout in his patrol twice during each semester and hold short conference
- Sign off on at least 3-4 requirements per semester